This week, Shanghai market prices rose first and then fell. The price of 1500mm wide
A36 steel plain carbon steel coil is 4850-4870 yuan/ton in Katalor Industry. The price of 1800mm wide rolls is 4970-4990 yuan/ton. A572 low-alloy 1500mm wide mainstream price is 4990-5010 yuan/ton, 1800mm low-alloy price is 5060-5080 yuan/ton.

At the beginning of this week, the goods were volatile. The spot hot-rolled steel coil market had a strong wait-and-see sentiment. Merchants' quotations fluctuated slightly. With the sharp rise in futures, confidence in the spot market was significantly boosted. Merchants’ quotations rose sharply. Somewhat weak. Weekend futures plunged sharply, the spot market mentality weakened, merchants' quotations fell sharply, and overall transactions were average. The current market inventory is relatively low, merchants have little pressure on shipments, and later resource costs are relatively high, which has certain support for prices. However, due to the excessively rapid price increase in the early stage, the downstream acceptance will take time, the transaction is difficult to significantly increase the volume, and some businesses have the willingness to make a profit, so we must be alert to the risk of price correction. On the whole, it is expected that the Shanghai hot rolled market prices will remain volatile next week.