The rolling process ofthe steel metal is different, and the composition can be the same. With the same steel grade, hot rolling is generally softer than cold rolling. High-precision thin plates are generally produced by cold rolling. The automotive industry and household appliances use a lot of cold rolled steel.

The distinction of hot rolled sheets and cold rolled steel is that hot rolled sheet has low hardness, easy processing, good ductility; cold rolled sheet has high hardness, processing is relatively difficult, but it is not easy to deform and has high strength. Secondly, hot rolled steel sheet is made with relatively low intensity and has a surface quality handicap, but generally plate has good plasticity. Cold rolled steel sheet, on the other hand, is high strength and high hardness, high surface finish, typically sheet, can be used as a stamping plate. Third, the mechanical properties of the Hot Rolled Steel Plate are not able to catch up with the cold working and the forging processing, but with good toughness and ductility.
Hot rolled steel material:
A302 Grade B steel